Behind the Screen

Mostly just staring at code.


Please click here to download my resume.


I have been fascinated by computers and the web since I first powered up the family Power Mac. My interest in development just made sense; I always wanted to work with the internet and being able to craft designs into beautiful, intuitive websites is what I aim to do.

I received a degree in Writing & Rhetoric in New Media which laid the groundwork for my exposure into web development and theory behind digital communication.

Responsive design and development is not just a buzzword, it's something that impacts lives of all internet users on a daily basis. I strive for clean, BEM-inspired, low-specificity object-oriented CSS and semantic, accessible markup to create an experience that works for everyone on any device.

Utilizing build tools like Gulp and npm scripts are essential for me to automate processes like JavaScript compiling and allow for using the latest ES syntax while transpiling down to cross-browser compatible code.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Server Provisioning/WordPress
  • Responsive Cross Platform Email
  • Performance and Accessibility

Current Focus

  • Flexbox/CSS Grid
  • Keyframe/GSAP Animations
  • ES6 Syntax
  • React/Redux
  • Progressive Web Apps
  • Node/Express

Other Interests

  • Music
  • Tech
  • Food
  • Design
  • Coffee
  • Travel